Christian Discipleship Minor

The Christian Discipleship minor offers students an intentional approach to growing in Christian faith during their college years. This minor introduces students to the practices that cultivate spiritual growth, with the aim of deepening their love of God and neighbor. Students will also learn the dynamics and value of life together on the journey of faith.


When you minor in Christian discipleship, you will have the opportunity to explore what it means to follow Jesus in the company of fellow disciples. You will learn the practices that foster a deep and lasting relationship with God, as well as what it means to live faithfully in light of God's kingdom.

Degree Requirements

View the degree requirements:

Some of the courses in this minor are: Christian Discipleship, Foundations of Spiritual Life, and Small Group Dynamics. Additionally, the University Foundations (UFDN) sequence puts students well on the way to completing this minor. To earn a Christian Discipleship minor, you will be required to take a minimum of 31 credits, including at least 15 upper-division credits.

To apply to the Christian Theology major or one of our minors, please follow these instructions.

Theology-Related Internships

Undergraduate students in the School of Theology have worked in churches, parachurch organizations, ministries, and nonprofit organizations.

To find information about possible theology-related internships and employment opportunities, there are many resources available to students, including:

  • SPU’s internship and job-posting system, Handshake, is updated weekly with ministry, church, and service positions. Students and employers regularly make use of this site.
  • SPU’s Center for Career and Calling provides employment and internship resources for students and employers. Contact CCC at 206-281-2485 or

Financing Your Education

95 percent of undergraduates receive some form of financial assistance. See how we can design a financial aid package for you.