Fall Quarter 2023 times: 3rd Saturdays (1 time a month), 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
UI Site Leader: Lauryn keithl@5dexam.com
Location: Ballard neighborhood
About the Bridge: The Bridge Care Center (BCC) is a drop-in resource center for unhoused or economically insecure neighbors in the Ballard area. Volunteers assist by running the community closet and offering hospitality to friends of the BCC.
Website: Bridge Care Center
- help neighbors find and sort clothes and other items
- help connect clients to other community resource
- help clean, organize and set up clothing center
- help take unwanted items to GoodWill
- help with occasional special events
Follow us on Instagram @urban_involvement.
About Urban Involvement: Urban Involvement connects SPU students to a variety of community organizations through weekly service teams.
Contact urbaninvolvement@5dexam.com for more information or any questions.